The Sleeping Bunion Pads ضمادات التورّم اللّيلية
The Sleeping Bunion Pads ضمادات التورّم اللّيلية
The Sleeping Bunion Pads are designed to keep the big toe straight as you sleep. Made of soft and hypoallergenic material, these pads help maintain the alignment of bunions and provide secure support. Enjoy comfortable, restful nights with these unique pads.
• 28 x Snowman Pads
• Instructions on how to use the product
You can send us a WhatsApp Message for more queries about the product.
WhatsApp: +971 50 355 3024 | Call: +971 4 343 5390
: تتضمّن الحزمة
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Footerella Products
A home for the Foot, Hand and Body Treatments
Our Products
The products that we use at Dubai Podiatry Centre are all hand picked and tested by Chief Podiatrist Michelle Champlin.